Ukraine AID is a 501(c)3 charitable organization incorporated in April, 2022 and based in Great Falls, Virginia. Our mission is to support Ukrainians in defense of their independence and to mitigate hardships created by the invasion. We achieve this mission by:
Providing humanitarian support such as medical equipment and supplies to hospitals.
Providing reconstruction equipment including computers and generators to communities and institutions in front-line areas.
Providing non-lethal protective gear and field equipment to the civilian volunteers of the Territorial Defense Force.
Ukraine Aid was founded by Dennis De Santis whose maternal grandparents immigrated to the US from Lviv, Ukraine. He enjoyed a 40 year career in international economic development beginning as a Peace Corps Volunteer and retiring as a CEO of an international consulting company. Dennis has worked almost continuously on Ukrainian economic and political issues for 30 years, since his first visit in 1992. He felt compelled to aid friends and acquaintances in a country he knows well. Together with family and friends, all on a volunteer basis, the team self-financed start-up costs, acquired donor management software, and shipped $517,000 from April 2022 to April 2023. The funds purchased and shipped helmets, vests, boots, blankets, first aid kits, tactical gear, shovels, medical supplies, computers, and generators. Our small totals are growing increasing the impact on our beneficiaries.
At the end of our second Fiscal Year on March 31, 2024, our impact continues to grow. we have shipped 36 tons of humanitarian aid, mostly medical equipment and supplies, with a value of $1.9 million.